Organizing Your Desk Space For the Upcoming School Year



Classes are once again starting up and it is a perfect time to organize your office and desk space in order to set yourself up for success this coming semester. During the summer it is a perfect time to begin organizing your work area so that you do not waste that time once classes actually do start.

It is easy to procrastinate on your work by organizing your desk space during the school year. If you take the time to work on this before classes start you will know that you are going in on the right foot and will have a place that is easy to work without having a load of distractions.

Here are some great ways that you can organize your work area for the school year.

Throwing Things Away and Cleaning Up Your Space

It may sound simple and obvious, but cleaning your desk space and throwing things away is the first and best way to start organizing your area. It is easy to get into the habit of leaving your work space a mess. If your desk is in your bedroom it can start to become a storage place for clothes and junk.

Start by cleaning the space and giving yourself an empty place to work. Wipe off your desk and throw out any trash you do not need. Once you have an area that looks and feels clean, you will want to keep it clean. Make time weekly to clean your desk and to throw out junk.

Clean Up and Purge Tech Gear You No Longer Use Using Cable Wraps

You certainly have cables lying around your desk area. You may have kept chargers for old phones or computers that you no longer have or use. Go through your tech gear and get rid of the cables you do not use anymore and set aside the ones you do.

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Once you have determined what you want to keep, you can get cable wraps to further organize and store your gear. Velcro cable wraps are excellent tools to organize your tech gear. They take up virtually no space and are incredibly multipurpose. You can even get them in different colors to further organize what you already have. This can be helpful when glancing in a drawer to quickly find what you need.

Get Drawer Organizers

Get a drawer organizer in order to help you organize all of your office and school supplies. If you use highlighters, pens, and pencils get a bag or an organizer so you can keep everything in one place. By getting folders you can make sure that you do not lose important paperwork like homework or a course syllabus.

You can get drawer organizers of varying sizes. This can be useful when storing things like paper clips or cables. You will want to have a variety of options so that you can store things in a logical way that makes sense.

Get Something That You Really Enjoy For Your Desk Space

It does not help all that much if you spend a lot of time cleaning up your desk if you never use it. You will want to make it a place that you will want to sit down and study. Try buying something that makes the space more enjoyable to you.

This does not mean that you need to spend a lot of money, but it might be getting a plant or swapping out the lamp you have for a new one. Whatever you end up doing, just make sure that it does not take up too much space and that it is not distracting. You want your work area to be a place that you enjoy studying at.

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Avoid Distractions

When you are working on cleaning up your desk space, make sure to avoid leaving things out that could be distractions. If you have toys and things on your desk, you may find yourself playing with them rather than studying. Having a fairly empty work space may actually be better in some cases. Keep what you have out to a minimum.

Be honest with yourself and know what things are easy distractions for you. Actively work to avoid them. You can still add your personality to your space, but remember that this is a place where you are studying.

Organization Helps With Scholastic Success

Having a clean and organized desk space is important to having an environment that is conducive to studying. While you may not need to buy an entirely new desk, try getting some simple things like cables ties, drawer organizers, and pouches that help make it an easy place to study.